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Once again, congratulations on becoming an ARPLer. Now that you are a Scholar, you are required to write a research paper. I understand your question: What does this mean? You should however be asking a different question: What type of research am I conducting? Is it a literature review, an observational study, a meta-analysis, a systematic review, or something else? You might now be wondering what all of those types even are. So, the real question is, "What is research?" And what does it really entail? Through this module, you will gain a deeper understanding of what research truly means and why it is so important, thereby answering the questions raised in the last module.


For someone who respects, appreciates, and loves research, just like you and I, it represents progress in human history. According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary, research can be defined as "the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions." This one represents a comprehensive and sublime definition. The Code of Federal Regulations defines research as "a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge." [45 CFR 46.102(l)]. Harvard offers a similar definition: "A systematic investigation, including development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge."

My definition, one I developed years ago after I started to feel what research truly is, is “where the pursuit of answers begins.” At this time, I felt there's no need to define it further; I just love it as simple like this.

To end this, I need to say I can’t adequately express how I hold in such high regard. Whenever I hear the word, I think of innovation and knowledge advancement. Without it, we would be into darkness, ignorance, pain, suffering, and death.

Research is nothing but a profound quest for understanding, a journey of exploration where humanity is seeking to uncover new insights, solve problems, and contribute to the body of knowledge. One main purpose of research is to fill the wide gap between what we know and what we don’t, being the vehicle we ride to acquire knowledge.

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I think it is now clear why research is so much of leadership.


Characteristics of Research

Before getting into how one can be involved in the process, research has a few characteristics that are overly important, ones that set it apart from mere and casual observation or anecdotal information.

I. Systematic

Research always follows a highly structured and organized process, one that clearly defined steps. While there would be much more detail elaborated on later, the process of reserach firstly starts with you, as the researcher, identifying a research objective. Then, in order to tackle this objective, you will be creating a research plan, which would be followed by data collection, analysis, interpretation, and finally, dissemination of your findings to other people. This highly systematic and organized approach sets research as the gold standard for answering question, given how it is being conducted methodically and logically, making the results reliable.

II. Objective

Quite simply, research is nothing without integrity. It is an overly huge and integral part of it. Researchers always approach approach their investigations without any biases that may impact the findings or conclusions. It is evidence, and nothing else, that guide the conclusions and implications.

III. Generative

Research is the ultimate tool we use to uncover new insights: to understand and advance. Researchers always seek to advance understanding, pushing the boundaries of the knowledge we currently, and collectively as humanity, knows.

IV. Cumulative

Research is cumulative, meaning meaning it builds on existing knowledge and is always conducted within the context of what was already established. When researchers build open other ones’ work, they build continuity, which is essential in the research process. It basically allows researchers to compare different, even contradictory theories, and identify areas that need more attention and work.

Types of Research:

Do you remember our first conversation? The one where you asked whether you should write a research paper or another type of paper? That was a solid question. In ARPL, there are specific types of research you can do, and with that, specific types of papers you can produce. Yet, before jumping into that, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the different types of research and the factors that determine how research can be categorized. For now, here’s a simple list of different categories and types of research, just to have an idea. (More detailed modules will be presented later regarding different categorization and types of research.)

1. Purpose of Research

2. Approach to Data

3. Source of Data